Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Goods: Have What It Takes to Tweet For President Obama?

Out of a job? Love Twitter? Riding for President Barack Obama? Then you're in luck. Late last week, the President announced that he's currently looking for a "Social Networks Manager" immediately. Your job, if you should choose to accept it: Help update President Obama's Twitter, Facebook and MySpace pages (and, um, convince him that MySpace is so 2006). Though Obama's gotten props for using all forms of social media both before and during his presidency, he admitted late last year that he doesn't actually tweet or write his own Facebook status updates. So the gig includes coming up with grassroots campaigns on the various social networks. But as the ad for it points out, the right candidate needs to be "ready to work hard; this isn't a 9-to-5 sort of job."

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