Tuesday, February 23, 2010


First it was the coastal showbizz queen BEYONCE who got involved in an accident that resulted to 3 cracks in her pelvic bone and now anothersoldier is down and out. Malcom Puga a.k.a MALCOM P famous for the hit song Tukatane tour which he did with the tanzanian boy group T.M.K was involved in a roadaccident last saturday en route to his Birthday bash in mombasa when the accident occured. The star eho has been nominated in the coast music awards was hospitalised at Jocham hospital and when VIBESARENA visited him in hospital, he seemed to be recovering from the neck and arm injuries he sustained Mombasa peeps are still shocked by the death because every one who saw him was sure that he wasnt going to loose the fight. VIBESARENA joins the family, friends, fans and well wishers in prayers. May the lord rest his soul in peace