Thursday, February 18, 2010


Speaking at a press conference in Nairobi on Thursday afternoon, Esther condemned the media for ‘digging’ into her private life and exposing her affairs and yet there was no scandal.

Referring to media reports that she was coerced into not wedding her fiancé because he was allegedly a free mason, Esther said it was ‘none of anyone’s business who she dates’.

“I have served this country with integrity and honesty... There’s not a single scandal attached to my name. I’ve been doing my job and doing it well. I have resisted splashing my personal details in media. I didn’t think it was public information who I’m dating or who I’m seeing, and so when I broke up with Wilson Malaba, I did not go to the press!” she revealed.

Unconfirmed reports allege that Esther had left KTN and joined a ‘cult’ that is said to be run by a well known musician, Joseph Hellon, who was also present at the press conference, in the company of his wife.

Arunga also dispelled the notion that she is heavy with child.

“Since last year, about 12 months ago, there’s been rumours that I was pregnant. I just hear it on the street and I get very amused. No, I am not pregnant,” she stressed.

The buck does not stop there. As they were concluding the press conference, Hellon announced that he will be vying for Kenya’s top seat in 2012 (yes the presidency), with Esther as his running mate.

“It might not be the appropriate place to make this announcement, but I will… Ladies and gentlemen of the 4th estate, Come 2012, I Joseph Hellon is vying for president of Kenya. And Esther Arunga is my running mate…”

As journalists guffawed and asked for a clarification, Arunga said; “He just told you I’m his running mate, for 2012! Yes...”
"Keep it vibesArena as the drama unveils

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